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Hotel Room Laundry Girl

4.4 ( 624 ratings )
Desarrollador Aamir Sadique

It is the real mystery that washing clothes and laundry once in life must happening at any stage. This is a universal issue everyone can admit this fact. Experienced and practical laundry girl can understand this reality in better way. Laundry girl tells her day routine at royal hotel. She wakes up early in the morning and doing her breakfast for good health. At hotel, she starts her works from first floor to last floor during laundry time. Hotel rooms are completely messed up and curtains, bed sheets & sofa covers. One by one she takes all these things from hotel room and placed that piled of clothes in laundry room. This process of laundry work done in very sequence under full hygienic and quality assurance team. People demand good quality of washing and cleaning of clothes. She separates white and coloured clothes in very discipline way. Technical faults in washing machines checked before washing process. High standard washing powders & detergents used in this procedure. It is very important for her, to check all stuff properly washed or not. Don’t over charge washing machines so that clothes can easily clean. Automatically clothes washed and shifted into dry cleaning machines. She sets washed fabric material in cabins. Laundry manager check cleaning list for mind satisfaction because it is essential and necessary. After a complete hectic day of laundry she goes back to her home. You can also learn how to done your work in time via time management in laundry. Kids and girls love to play hotel room cleaning & laundry games for learning complete process of laundry. Learn it by playing and start washing your clothes by yourself for fun and enjoyment.